Nic and i went to see Augustana live the other day at Fitz, and they were just pure amazing! we were right next to the stage :] but dear lord was it hot. And the singer, kept mentioning how much he missed hiw wife, cause normally she and their kids tour with them, but i guess they didnt this time and you could just hear it in his voice how much he missed them,it was sweet :] and they played some new songs! My favorite was Alive, it's for sure wedding song material. Here are some pics! And the Alive video!
Sneak Peek of Socialpunk! read, enjoy and become hooked just like I did! :] I hope everyone really decides to give this book a read because it is a truly fantastic one!
Keep Calm and Read On!!
After playing God for six years with the world he created, he couldn’t control any of his subjects, none at all. Over the years, he had watched them evolve and become the sum of their own choices rather than the sum of his; and for that, he regretted ever giving them life.A small, blinking red light from just inside his eyelid reminded him of the news they sent him earlier that morning. The company had cancelled his funding and would shut down his project within three months. According to them, the project cost too much and took up too much space, and the inconclusive results couldn’t be published reputably, now or in the future.Six years of his work, tens of thousands of lives at stake—and he could do nothing to save any of it. He bowed his head, letting his chin rest on the rim of his breakfast smoothie. The smoothie reeked of powder—crushed pills—but he supposed he had better get used to it. He wouldn’t be able to afford the luxury of real food after they canned him.He closed his eyes and called up the camera view of one of his favorites, number 3281. She fascinated him; he couldn’t deny it. When he had designed her, her pre-teen rebelliousness lit fire in her eyes. A survivor, he’d thought. He’d meant for her to have it all—to grow up, to get married to the love of her life, and to have a beautiful family of her own someday.But he had only given her sadness so far. Instead of creating a strict father, he had given her an abusive one. Instead of creating a loving boyfriend, he had given her a friend who could never love her. And instead of creating a strong, proud mother, he had given her a meek one, who watched the whole thing unfold and did nothing about it.He looked at his last and final creation sitting in the chair across from him—his own son, not awakened yet. The law forbade him to have any children of his own, so this boy would substitute.But he had done the unthinkable with this creation—he had bestowed on it his own thoughts, emotions, and decision-making processes. He’d given the boy his own mind, his own physical characteristics, his own wants and desires.He had never done so with any of the others because of the dangers of investing too heavily in any one of his subjects. But who could he kid? He had not stayed objective thus far, watching some of his subjects more closely than others, wishing for the happiness of some at the expense of others. He had become an abomination, a monster of his own doing, who had created subjects only to watch them suffer.He couldn’t forgive himself; not now, not ever. His eyes lingered on the vial that sat next to his breakfast smoothie, that he’d stowed away for the day when they destroyed all his work, his entire world. He would save it, tuck it away for now, for as long as he could protect them. When things spun out of his control, he would drink it and end himself the way he had ended them.In the ancient stories, gods frequently gave their sons as gifts. Now, he would give his son as a gift to her, number 3281. So she could be happy in her last months on earth, before they destroyed her with the rest of them.
If you think you'd be interested in reading this amazing ebook, go right on ahead and do it! go on!
Now here is the authors interview! Read on and enjoy a great read :]
Who is your favorite character in your book "Socialpunk"? And why?
I would have to say Ima, as she's the main character and the book is told entirely from her point of view. What I love about her is how much she changes from the beginning of the book to the end. She feels very guilty and is constantly struggling with right vs. wrong. She's probably one of my favorite characters out of all the ones I've written.
Who are some authors that have inspired you to write?
CS Lewis. I also love contemporaries like JK Rowling, Suzanne Collins, and Cassandra Clare.
If a zombie apocalypse broke out, where would you take shelter?
Oh, I'd probably be one of the zombies! I'm not particularly brave or athletic.
What motivated you to start writing Socialpunk?
I was inspired by the city of Chicago, by social media issues in our current world, and by the cyberpunk genre. The book is a bit like the Terminator series and I reference that a couple times just for fun. James Cameron is basically my favorite director ever, and he really inspires me with his world-building and storytelling skills.
If you could have any super power what would you choose?
I'd love to be able to pause or slow time. I feel like there's never enough!
Please tell us in one sentence, why we should read your book?
Socialpunk is fun and face-paced and has a strong female lead but is also a quick read, so you can enjoy it in one or two sittings if you'd like.
Last Saturday Nic and I went to the St. Arnold brewery and I thought it was pretty great, we even got out own pint glasses. Mine has all these flowers on it! I had the spring bock and their root beer! Both were amazingly refreshing cause it was a hot Houston day :) can't wait to go again :) we'll bring food next time :)
In a move that is backed by the Louisiana Family Council, a state Senate committee has approved a GOP bill that would make it legal for charter schools to refuse admittance to gay children. The bill also authorizes schools to turn away students with poor English skills and with physical challenges. Charter schools are private institutions contracted by the state to serve public school students.
State Sen. A.G. Crowe, R-Slidell [left] , said his bill is designed to ensure that executive branch agencies and local governments stop including bans on discrimination against characteristics not listed in state law as a condition for private companies to do business with their agencies. The state Department of Education contracts with those seeking charter schools were the chief examples cited during testimony for Senate Bill 217. Gov. Bobby Jindal did not respond to requests for comment about calls to unilaterally strip the anti-discriminatory language from the department’s contract criteria. On the other side, state Sen. Ed Murray, the only “no” in the 5-1 vote by the Senate Labor and Industrial Relations committee, said the possibility of SB217 becoming law and negating the anti-discriminatory prohibitions in charter school contracts is “really scary.”
The state Education Department mandates that: "Charter schools may not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need proficiency in the English language." Gov. Bobby Jindal's office responded to the bill by saying, "We’re against discrimination, but we don’t believe in special protections or rights."