Friday, November 26, 2010
Whip it!
New shirt, i likey ;]
Drinking some hot coco
and hanging out in the living room
So how was your thanksgiving?mine was ok! fun and tiring! i went to the SuperFeast Downtown, its for homeless people, people who cant affod food or anyone wanting to help. So my speech group and i went to go help out for a bit and it was tiring!! i helped serve out drinks and pick up trash and stuff. It was pretty fun, but then it started to lightly rain on and off lol, it was all humid too!
After the volunteering i went home ate a bit and bam, napped lol! it was so good! and i have to admit i didnt eat that much, im not sure why, but i got full fast and had a great nap :]
Today was/is BLACK FRIDAY! who went crazy shopping hm? i ended up going to memorial mall, bought an Alien Workshop board for my nephew, and some vans shoes, i got myself some band shirts, new gauges, a jacket and a new scarf :] it was fun but dude it was packed!!
i was suppose to do my whole moving thing today but no, of course something had to go wrong. The apartment managers said it wasnt ready and wouldnt be ready till 3pm, we got the keys at like 5pm.
..stupid boxes.
this is why im buying my nephew a new board lol
So i went to genghis grill today with the family, i love that place so much. Best food, and you get to put what you want together, pick the spices and sauce and they cook it for you. It pretty yummy! and damn dude, i like scarfed it down! it was so good! and omfg it is cold today, it like 30-35 ish? im loving it :]
i finally saw that whip it movie today, i loved it lol. Roller derby loooks like some scary fun, i would looove to see it live, it would be so badass. Its a cute story, guy turns to a douche sortof lol.
i may kinda be getting stalked again. Creepy.
So i heard that the lines at best buy were like, so long that they were a couple hours wait. wtf! i could not do that, i get way too impatient. i had a horrible time waiting in the lines at the mall.
tell me something interesting!
do it!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
headaches and lots of food!
Audience! How are you audience?
^ imagine that with a anchor persons voice, and a mustache
So ive been having these horrible headaches lately, or migraines i guess, what the difference? they both hurt tremendously :[ its been like, the past 3 weeks i guess? i cant get rid of them. any suggestions? ive tried more sleep, tea, pills. its not working. Sometinmes the only thing that makes them feel better is when im driving with the windows down and let the wind blow, feels good!
I did some packing today for the move :] got like, 4 boxes done? i think im just going to pile all my clothes with the hangers into my car, then put them in the new place myself. Seems like it would be easier,
hahaha, ok so im with my nephew antonio and were watching iCarly and i got to say, this is one of my favorite shows to watch. I think its ridiculously hilarious!! its so stupid its funny haha. This show comes in second to Avatar the last airbender! hahah, omg cracking up at this show
So i saw this on
Are you offended by the “holiday overkill mcgrabbiness” of the TSA, but do not have the metaphorical balls to scream, “no daddy no!!!” during a pat down, here is a nice way to make a body scan 10x more fun.
Protest the TSA’s full-body scanners with 4th Amendment Wear, a line of undershirts, underwear, and socks with the 4th amendment printed on them in metallic ink, so that TSA employees can bone up on unreasonable search and seizure while… unreasonably searching you
I want one :] oh yeah.
So tashas party was on Saturday and it was so fun!! gotta say, i drank a bit lol but not too much!! and the cake Lynne and I got for her was awesome! i picked it up earlier saturday and i totally thought i lots the place >_< lol
hahaha, awesome right? hehe
so tomorrows Thanksgiving, only reason its one of the best holidays is because of the food, FOOD.:p but i have to go do some charity work stuff from 2-5, then friday is black friday shopping!! um, and moving, and saturday is moving also, and sunday is RENFEST! :] going with chris V. WHO has a new blog started up
also getting drinks with chris V. later tonight too
go insult his blog, its what i do :D
Anyone have any interesting blogs of your own or to suggest?
oh and my friend ZC showed me this, i thought it was awesome :]
:] ok im going now!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
yay for good days!
Hello you! :D
Well ive been having a awesome past couple of days! Went to Tashas birthday dinner on thursday, we all went to Buca Di Beppo, it was italian and it was sooooo good! and there was like idk 15 of us? there was alot of food lol.
It was fuuunnn :]
And lastnight i went out with SL to see Harry Potter 7 pt1 it was awesome and a slight disappointment lol, ugh the ending!! wtf! I love rupert Grint :]
SIGH lol. Had some Cafe adobe lastnight before the movie, which i guess was a bad idea cause the whole movie i had to pee but refused to get up haha. I just couldnt miss anything! I just got back from having some Diner59 :p yuummmmmmmm.
Now to pick up a cake, and tashas party tonight :]
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I liked this greatly
The Five Commandments of Writing Research Papers
To write first-rate research papers, follow the following simple rules—well, simple to repeat, but too often ignored by most undergraduates.
1. Thou shalt do some background reading, think hard, and speak with the professor in order to identify a topic.
At the beginning of a course, you will probably not know enough about the major scholarly topics that are of most importance in the field, the topics that are most well-covered in the secondary literature or the topics that have already had the life beaten out of them by successive generations of writers. You should begin by doing some general reading in the field. If nothing else, begin with the Encyclopaedia Britannica, a wonderful but sadly neglected resource. Read a few books or articles on topics you find of interest. Follow up the suggested reading on the course syllabus or the footnotes or bibliographies of the texts you are reading for the course. After that, speak with the professor about some of your general ideas and the possible research directions you are thinking about pursuing. And you should do all this as early in the course as possible.
2. Thou shalt have a clear research question.
A research question, at least in the social sciences, begins with the word “why” or “how.” Think of it as a puzzle: Why did a particular political or social event turn out as it did and not some other way? Why does a particular pattern exist in social life? Why does a specific aspect of politics work as it does? How has a social or political phenomenon changed from one period to another? The question can be general or particular. Why have some countries been more successful in the transition from Communism than others? Why did the Labour Party win the last British general election? How have conceptions of race changed in the US since the 1960s? How do different electoral systems affect the behavior of political parties?
The point is that you should attempt to identify either:
• novel trends, developments or outcomes in social life that are not readily apparent (the “how” questions), or
• the causes of a particular event or general trend (the “why” questions).
Professional social scientists—historians, political scientists, sociologists, international affairs experts—work on both these kinds of questions. In the best published social science writing you will be able to identify a clear “how” or “why” question at the heart of the research.
“How” and “why” questions are essential because they require the author to make an argument. Research questions that do not require an argument are just bad questions. For example, a paper on “What happened during the Mexican revolution?” requires the author to do no more than list facts and dates—a good encyclopedia entry, maybe, but not a good research paper. “What” and “when” questions are only the starting point for writing research papers. Obviously, you need to have a firm grasp of the facts of the case, but you must then move on to answer a serious and important “why” or “how” question in the paper itself.
3. Thou shalt do real research.
“Real research” means something other than reading secondary sources in English or pulling information off the Internet. Real research means using primary sources. What counts as a primary source, though, depends on what kind of question you are trying to answer.
Say you want to write a paper on the causes of Communism’s demise in eastern Europe. You would begin by reading some general secondary sources on the collapse of Communism, from which you might surmise that two factors were predominant: economic problems of Communist central planning and Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms in the Soviet Union. Primary sources in this case might include economic statistics, memoirs of politicians from the period or reportage in east European newspapers (available in English or other languages). Bring all your skills to bear on the topic. Use works in foreign languages. Use software packages to analyze statistical data.
Or say you want to write about how conceptions of national identity have changed in Britain since the 1980s. In this case, you might examine the speeches of British political leaders, editorials in major British newspapers, and voting support for the Scottish National Party or other regional parties. You might also arrange an interview with an expert in the field: a noted scholar, a British government representative, a prominent journalist.
The point about primary sources is that they take you as close as possible to where the action is—the real, on-the-ground, rubber-meets-the-road facts from which you will construct your interpretive argument. There are, however, gradations of primary evidence. The best sources are those in original languages that are linked to persons directly involved in the event or development that you are researching. Next are the same sources translated into other languages. Then come sources that are studies of or otherwise refer to direct experience. In your research, you should endeavor to get as close as possible to the events or phenomena you are studying. But, of course, no one can speak every language and interview every participant in a political or social event. Part of being a creative scholar is figuring out how to assemble enough evidence using the skills and resources that you possess in order to make a clear and sustainable argument based on powerful and credible sources.
One other note for Georgetown students: In a city that contains one of the world’s great research libraries, representations from nearly every country on the planet, the headquarters of countless international organizations, numerous research institutes, and scores of other political, economic, cultural, and non-governmental associations and institutions, both domestic and international, there is absolutely no excuse for the complaint that “I can’t find anything on my topic in Lauinger.”
4. Thou shalt make an argument.
Unfortunately, many undergraduate research papers are really no more than glorified book reports. You know the drill: Check out ten books (in English) from the library, skim through three of them, note down a few facts or mark some pages, combine the information in your own words, and there you have it.
This will not do. Your paper must not only assemble evidence—facts about the world—but it must weave together these facts so that they form an argument that answers the research question. There are no once-and-for-all answers in any scholarly field, but there are better and worse arguments. The better ones have powerful evidence based on reliable sources, are ordered and logical in the presentation of evidence, and reach a clear and focused conclusion that answers the question posed at the beginning of the paper. In addition, good arguments also consider competing claims: What other counter-arguments have been put forward (or could be put forward) to counter your points? How would you respond to them? In fact, consideration of counter-arguments is often a good way to begin your paper. How have scholars normally accounted for a particular event or trend? What are the weaknesses of their accounts? What evidence might be marshaled to suggest an alternative explanation? How does your account differ from the conventional wisdom?
5. Thou shalt write well.
Writing well means presenting your argument and evidence in a clear, logical, and creative way. An interesting argument cloaked in impenetrable prose is of no use to anyone. Sources must be accurately and adequately cited in footnotes, endnotes or in-text notes using a recognized citation style. The writing style must be formal and serious. Tables, graphs or other illustrations should be included if they support your overall thesis.
These are only a few guidelines on how to write research papers. You will no doubt develop your own styles, rules, and techniques for doing research, making arguments, and presenting the results of your work. But if you follow the commandments above, you will be well on your way to writing good research papers—and hopefully learn something about an important political or social topic along the way.
© Copyright 1996, Georgetown University
- im in english right now, supposedly working :P
To write first-rate research papers, follow the following simple rules—well, simple to repeat, but too often ignored by most undergraduates.
1. Thou shalt do some background reading, think hard, and speak with the professor in order to identify a topic.
At the beginning of a course, you will probably not know enough about the major scholarly topics that are of most importance in the field, the topics that are most well-covered in the secondary literature or the topics that have already had the life beaten out of them by successive generations of writers. You should begin by doing some general reading in the field. If nothing else, begin with the Encyclopaedia Britannica, a wonderful but sadly neglected resource. Read a few books or articles on topics you find of interest. Follow up the suggested reading on the course syllabus or the footnotes or bibliographies of the texts you are reading for the course. After that, speak with the professor about some of your general ideas and the possible research directions you are thinking about pursuing. And you should do all this as early in the course as possible.
2. Thou shalt have a clear research question.
A research question, at least in the social sciences, begins with the word “why” or “how.” Think of it as a puzzle: Why did a particular political or social event turn out as it did and not some other way? Why does a particular pattern exist in social life? Why does a specific aspect of politics work as it does? How has a social or political phenomenon changed from one period to another? The question can be general or particular. Why have some countries been more successful in the transition from Communism than others? Why did the Labour Party win the last British general election? How have conceptions of race changed in the US since the 1960s? How do different electoral systems affect the behavior of political parties?
The point is that you should attempt to identify either:
• novel trends, developments or outcomes in social life that are not readily apparent (the “how” questions), or
• the causes of a particular event or general trend (the “why” questions).
Professional social scientists—historians, political scientists, sociologists, international affairs experts—work on both these kinds of questions. In the best published social science writing you will be able to identify a clear “how” or “why” question at the heart of the research.
“How” and “why” questions are essential because they require the author to make an argument. Research questions that do not require an argument are just bad questions. For example, a paper on “What happened during the Mexican revolution?” requires the author to do no more than list facts and dates—a good encyclopedia entry, maybe, but not a good research paper. “What” and “when” questions are only the starting point for writing research papers. Obviously, you need to have a firm grasp of the facts of the case, but you must then move on to answer a serious and important “why” or “how” question in the paper itself.
3. Thou shalt do real research.
“Real research” means something other than reading secondary sources in English or pulling information off the Internet. Real research means using primary sources. What counts as a primary source, though, depends on what kind of question you are trying to answer.
Say you want to write a paper on the causes of Communism’s demise in eastern Europe. You would begin by reading some general secondary sources on the collapse of Communism, from which you might surmise that two factors were predominant: economic problems of Communist central planning and Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms in the Soviet Union. Primary sources in this case might include economic statistics, memoirs of politicians from the period or reportage in east European newspapers (available in English or other languages). Bring all your skills to bear on the topic. Use works in foreign languages. Use software packages to analyze statistical data.
Or say you want to write about how conceptions of national identity have changed in Britain since the 1980s. In this case, you might examine the speeches of British political leaders, editorials in major British newspapers, and voting support for the Scottish National Party or other regional parties. You might also arrange an interview with an expert in the field: a noted scholar, a British government representative, a prominent journalist.
The point about primary sources is that they take you as close as possible to where the action is—the real, on-the-ground, rubber-meets-the-road facts from which you will construct your interpretive argument. There are, however, gradations of primary evidence. The best sources are those in original languages that are linked to persons directly involved in the event or development that you are researching. Next are the same sources translated into other languages. Then come sources that are studies of or otherwise refer to direct experience. In your research, you should endeavor to get as close as possible to the events or phenomena you are studying. But, of course, no one can speak every language and interview every participant in a political or social event. Part of being a creative scholar is figuring out how to assemble enough evidence using the skills and resources that you possess in order to make a clear and sustainable argument based on powerful and credible sources.
One other note for Georgetown students: In a city that contains one of the world’s great research libraries, representations from nearly every country on the planet, the headquarters of countless international organizations, numerous research institutes, and scores of other political, economic, cultural, and non-governmental associations and institutions, both domestic and international, there is absolutely no excuse for the complaint that “I can’t find anything on my topic in Lauinger.”
4. Thou shalt make an argument.
Unfortunately, many undergraduate research papers are really no more than glorified book reports. You know the drill: Check out ten books (in English) from the library, skim through three of them, note down a few facts or mark some pages, combine the information in your own words, and there you have it.
This will not do. Your paper must not only assemble evidence—facts about the world—but it must weave together these facts so that they form an argument that answers the research question. There are no once-and-for-all answers in any scholarly field, but there are better and worse arguments. The better ones have powerful evidence based on reliable sources, are ordered and logical in the presentation of evidence, and reach a clear and focused conclusion that answers the question posed at the beginning of the paper. In addition, good arguments also consider competing claims: What other counter-arguments have been put forward (or could be put forward) to counter your points? How would you respond to them? In fact, consideration of counter-arguments is often a good way to begin your paper. How have scholars normally accounted for a particular event or trend? What are the weaknesses of their accounts? What evidence might be marshaled to suggest an alternative explanation? How does your account differ from the conventional wisdom?
5. Thou shalt write well.
Writing well means presenting your argument and evidence in a clear, logical, and creative way. An interesting argument cloaked in impenetrable prose is of no use to anyone. Sources must be accurately and adequately cited in footnotes, endnotes or in-text notes using a recognized citation style. The writing style must be formal and serious. Tables, graphs or other illustrations should be included if they support your overall thesis.
These are only a few guidelines on how to write research papers. You will no doubt develop your own styles, rules, and techniques for doing research, making arguments, and presenting the results of your work. But if you follow the commandments above, you will be well on your way to writing good research papers—and hopefully learn something about an important political or social topic along the way.
© Copyright 1996, Georgetown University
- im in english right now, supposedly working :P
Monday, November 15, 2010
So small it could almost be a miniature elephant.
Im having a very chill day today! oh, a blog post? within a few days of eachother? uhoh! lol :] Im having trouble collecting money from my former boss. Yes i quit for some reasons i wont get into right now, but legit reasons. Im getting very annoyed. I just want whats mine, a check that was bounced, its fee and mondays work pay. Thats all, and my calls are getting ignored. I wouldnt slander a place that serves good food, but im itching to right now.
Its been a very cold rainy day today, a good day for coffee, smores, hot chocolate, cuddling and bon fires. Its not even that late yet but i feel like its midnight already, that daylight savings time thing really messed me up, im getting sleepy at like 6-8pm, its ridiculous!
Today i had a chemistry lab, it didnt take that long, i just hate waiting for some random liquid to evaporate, it takes forever. And my lab partner and i finished first lol. Since i didnt have to work (thank raptor jesus) i just stayed in the Caf, did some work, went over the post lab, talked to my school friends. It was nice not being tired for once, not being in a hurry, taking my sweet time with school it awesome. Now i need to print some chapters for chem, labs, our next exam, turn in my english essay 'why marijuana should be legalized for medical reason' (which will be on the MonthOfDecember blog), start the research project, start my speech class Persuasion Speech on 'Why you SHOULD smoke cigarettes ', oh yeah. Already signed up for my Spring classes, just taking three. And then, study for finals.
Lets see, tomorrow i have english and speech class. Im not too fond of my english teacher, at all. I dont think she grades right, or communicates very well, but, she is bare-able. I think i want to go to a coffee place tomorrow after class, and just relax. I would say itsAGrind, but they have been bought out, if you didnt know, by a franchise called Coffee Bean. Horrible name, it looks ugly (the logo), but the shop itself has stayed the same, so at least theres that. Know what i miss? Harvest! and Kaleidoscoops! formerly known as K*Scoops :] mmm, veggie sandwich. And black cherry ice cream. Oh, and Agora burned down. Why dose everything i love die!!
I need a new coffee place to love.
Not Coffee Bean.
im really hungry right now, i know i could eaisly go on and make food here, but im craving my beloved TacoBell. Dont ask me why, but i have like, a food obsession with it! its timeless, and yummy. I love the hot sauce packets too, they have the funniest things to say :]
Chris V. i know you read this, hows Dallas? You should feel special,ive mentioned you in not only this post, but another one as well. Feel special!! Just so you all know, chris hates Greek people. Its weird. A very bad habit. Tsk Tsk.
:] haha.
i have a headache.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
ive had that zombie virus and all
Hello sir! ma'am! Weirdo over there!
ive been ignoring the bloggity :[ school work and workwork and all. BUT im here to update now!! But first, how have you been non-existent readers? well i hope!
So, lets see what has happened. i got an 80 om my chem exam! :D lol, thank god, i was shit worried you know? been going to and keeping up with my nephew Antonios soccer games, hes hardcore lol,
Went to Raymondville for my sisters baby shower which was awesome! lots of food, games, drinks and then bbq'd later that night at my cousins house/ranch, got to see JB while i was there too since corpus is like 2hrs away.
Javi. SEND MY SWEATER! Damnit! lol.
Halloween was awesome :] went to Javi&Jens party, there was a best and worse costume contest, jello shots, malibu rum :] lol, i didnt really take pictures though, my costume was a bunny, i had the ears, tail, gloves and thigh high socks, and i wore a cute black dress with heels :] heres pic with the accessories
School has been good,passing and whatnot, its just so long! i cant wait for thanksgiving break!! oh yeah, on thanks giving weekend im moving! i cant wait! and i cant wait for black friday, nordstrom rack here i come ;] lol
Yesterday i went out with Lynne to get tashas birthday present and its an awesome one :] i cant tell till the day of though! shes having a birthday dinner, and a birthday party so next weekend will be fun :] i WILL take pics, or steal the ones verna takes lol.
Ive been drinking a lot of boba? that tapioca drink lol, its right near my school its called Kims Tea house, so good! they have sandwiches, sweets, and a ton of drinks, i like the strawberry green tea, its yummy!
So im really loving this weather, its finally cold again! its rainy though :[ lol, i just love wearing my boots :] And i havent really had time to update either blogs really, ill have a new post on the -month of december- blog soon and ill try harder to update this one too! lol.
Oh dude! i got netflix and its the best decision i ever made!haha.
Misfits and social distortion are coming this month :]
ok, im off to go do things and stuff!!
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