Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Thanks for breaking into my car, now go die.
But really, people suck a lot sometimes. I don't care if your homeless or an addict, or just a jerk, mess with the car and I will kill you the moment I get a chance. :D
Hope everyone else had a better time this weekend! Although that was the only bad thing, the rest was pretty awesome.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Fall gardening ideas!
This post brought to you by Scotts Miracle-Gro. All opinions are 100% mine.
If you havent noticed, fall is on it's way and when that happens all of our plants tend to take a hit while the weather starts to change. I have a lot of plants on my porch and it really dose prove to be difficult to keep them going sometimes. One way to Find beauty in the Fall is to add some color and life out there!! Your garden dose not have to take a hit, and you can keep your porch looking beautiful with color for the coming season! Here is my favorite idea that I am pretty sure all you out there will love as well!
The Easy Way: Plant Mums and Pansies
Mums and pansies are favorite standbys as fall flowers, with good reason. They look great, they can grow almost anywhere in the country, and they're usually easy to find at garden centers. You can group them in planters or flower beds, and they'll add color long after your perennials go dormant. But, if you want to try a different look, the next paragraph is for you.
Include Natives in Your Plan
You can greatly enhance your fall garden garden by choosing plants native to your region. Some good choices include California poppy in the West, blackfoot daisy in the Southwest, big leaf aster in the Southeast, and New England aster or boltonia in the Northeast and Midwest.
Provide a Healthy Home
Whether you choose mums and pansies or try your hand with local native flowers, you'll get the best results if give them a good environment for growing. For in-ground garden plantings, that means incorporating plenty of organic matter by adding soil amendments or Miracle-Gro® Garden Soil for Flowers & Vegetables to your native soil. Follow spacing and planting directions on the plant tags. For container gardens, use a specialized potting medium such as Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix or Miracle-Gro® Moisture Control&trade Potting Mix.
Feed Your Flowers Regularly
Feed your fall plants with Miracle-Gro® LiquaFeed All Purpose Plant Food or LiquaFeed® Bloom Booster® Flower Food starting two weeks after planting. Follow a regular feeding schedule to produce beautiful blooms and healthy growth.
Water as Needed
Even though summer's heat has passed, you may still need to water your flowers frequently if you live in the Southwest or a coastal region with warm winters and sandy soil. In areas such as the Northeast and Midwest, fall usually brings plenty of rain, but be sure to check the soil and water as necessary to provide your plants a steady supply of moisture.
This project will get you fully started on your Fall gardening and bring some natural beauty out! Plus mums and pansies are my favorite this to plant, they are cute, don't crawl and full of beautiful color. so go on and get started with your fall garden!
For more great fall gardening ideas go on over to Miracle-Gro Facebook page and like them!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Canned Acoustica!!!!
Some Vegas Love!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
RNC is Done,Bring the DNC On!
So as the RNC(Republican National Convention) ends,the DNC(Democratic National Convention) comes upon us! Yes, more politics. Now like i said on a previous post here while the RNC was going on, i'm trying to get into politics, I can vote this year and I want to be informed. Possibly count. Though i'm in Texas so i'm pretty sure i'll be a red state. Still, I'll try! Well, I watch the speeches, gather info, just try to learn about who wants to run our country. And yes i'll watch the news on the tv at points, but i am, as you have maybe noticed, an interwebber. So I find the majority of info here. On the nets. Well, I have to say my favorite so far is watching Phillip DeFranco(known youtuber) and Sourcefed(youtube news show) do live shows at the RNC and right now at the DNC. I tend to share a lot of their views in this so it fits me. Their first live show at the DNC is up if you would like to brew some coffee and give your brain some exercise.
Now to be honest. Romney seems like he just might know what he is doing, business wise. But it's his "moral standards" as a Mormon that concern me. Now by all means, be whatever religion you want to, worship a turtle if ya want, just don't force it on me. But, it seems to be what he wants to do. The whole pretty much taking rights away from women, rape victims, incest victims, trying to get rid of planned parenthood (which I think is a great organization), hating on anyone gay, getting rid of Pell Grants(FASFA?), things that seem pretty important in my book, away.Also, he seems to be only really focusing on the wealthier of America, and not the poor so much. Plus, he has creeper face. I just don't really agree with any republican platforms. Don't even get me started on Rick Santorum.
"You want to know whether we're better off? I've got a little bumper sticker for you: Osama Bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive" -Joe Biden
Obama, on the other hand seems to be a lot more open minded.And not a religious shove it down your throat type. I'm not saying he is Mr. Perfect, but when he got the job, it had already been fucked. But he seems to be on the same level with most issues that concern me. And I like that. He isn't going to put a barrier around my uterus and say, forget about it darlin'.He supports gay marriage, which I totally support, love who ya want dude, just like the whole worship who ya want I mentioned earlier. Now i'm not sure if im a Democrat, or a liberal, or a Republican(probably not though) but so far Obama seems to be the lesser of all the evils. He may not be perfect, but I know he is better then the rest of these assholes. But of course, the economy card comes in, its screwed up. It's been screwed up. And honestly I can admit I don't know too much about it. But this is why i'm researching, listening, learning.
You should too!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Packing crisis and the return to Vegas
Oh and I had coffee with Marina today, it was nice catching up and what not again. She got a new car and it is crazy cute!! It's tardis blue!!
Ok back to the clothing crisis that's living in my room!!
Monday, September 3, 2012
DoctorWho:Asylum of the Daleks Recap & Spoilers!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
WoW, RNC, DNC, and Mermaids
So I have been watching some videos from this youtuber I found and she is hilarious, great videos, different channels and her gamer videos are pretty awesome as well! I think my favorite video i've watched on her gamer channel is the WoW pop culture references #4. So ya know, WoW is World of Warcraft, a massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) game. Very addictive. Seriously, addictive. And i'm pretty sure my laptop wont support the game, I desperately need a new one and a desktop. But, i'd probably be addicted if I had a personal desktop with a kick ass video card. ANYWAY!! here is the video, watch it! it's pretty funny whether you play WoW or not :D you'll get it!
She is called Random Panser!
EDIT: So youtube wont let mee post the right video, not sure why, BUT the WoW pop culture ref is HERE :D
Ok thats all today :]
Oh and enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!!! BBQ, Beer and fun!
I'll be mindlessly looking up Doctor Who things this weekend because, ITS BACK TONIGHT!!