hello! just words today
So i know this has happened to everybody at some point in their life. You have a friend guy/girl, either, and your hanging out all the time, you like total best friends and as soon as they decide to have a boyfriend/girlfriend they totally disappear off the face of the planet and are only heard from when their relationship ends or explodes. Sometimes implodes. I really just feel like ranting about this because its so fucking annoying! its idiotic! you dont have to drop your friends because you now have a man/woman. If they asked you to drop friends because you have a dick and your friend has a vag (or vice versa), that boyfriend/girlfriend might not be worth having. Who asks that of somebody? "oh hey now that were dating, ii have a list of people who you need to never talk to again! :D". And a second thing i cant bare is when someone is dating for only about a week to a month and they are already saying "oooh i loooove him/her so much! were soul mates and i would die with out them", well i hope you do. Of course, ive lost more guy friends than chick friends in this situation. Its annoying. Because what happens is you dont hear from them for a while, the contact you had gets lighter and lighter till there is none, your all of a sudden deleted from their little sites like facebook - any social network really- and you realize, oh shit son i been dropped :o arrg! annoying. Cant you just up front tell my that you are no longer aloud to make your own decisions or decide who your friends are? Atleast then i wont be wondering is you died, were kidnapped, became a zombie. you know. How many of you have had this happen huh? i know you have, i bet all of you have! So, when their little - omg were going to be together forever- relationship ends, you get a text from them, "hey :]" and your sating to yourself hmmm...fuck you :D. oh jeezuz people annoy me to a point that i give up in almost all humanity. i think we all just may be idiots.. -_-"
So i didnt do too much today, mostly ran some errands, got my coffee :] caramal mocha iced <3 haha i cant live with out it. I went to HEB today and was inline to pick up some medication and bam! a fire alarm goes off, it sounded like the ones that would go off at my old highschool for drills, anyway this shit was loud! and since it came out of no where, it scared me lol, i sort of yelped haha. So eveyryone was looking around like " fire hmm? i dont see smoke..*continues to shop*" haha, i swear, if there really was a fire, everyone would have been screwed. Turns out that someone in the kitchen area pushed the fire alarm on accident, and it went on for about ten minutes. I thought my ears were going to either explode or bleed. So ive been thinking of investing into a new camera at some point this year, a good one. Right now i have a small -kodak easy share M341 12.2MP-, its ok for one the go and all but the pictures dont have that great of quality. And i have a -Fugifilm FinePix S7007.1MP-, the fuji is more of the family camera that everyone uses, the kodak is strictly mine. So i dont know much about cameras at all, so if you have any camera suggestions that would help alot!
So, heres another slight JAPAN UPDATE:
![Image: A woman cries while sitting on a road amid the destroyed city of Natori, Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan](http://msnbcmedia1.msn.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Photo/_new/g-110313-cvr-miyagi-8p.grid-12x3.jpg)
TOKYO — The second hydrogen explosion in three days rocked Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Monday, sending a massive column of smoke into the air and wounding six workers. It was not immediately clear how much — if any — radiation had been released.
The explosion at the plant's Unit 3, which authorities have been frantically trying to cool following a system failure in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami, triggered an order for hundreds of people to stay indoors, said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano.
The blast follows a similar explosion Saturday that took place at the plant's Unit 1, which injured four workers and caused mass-evacuations. More than 180,000 people have evacuated the area, and up to 160 may have been exposed to radiation.
Japan's nuclear safety agency said six workers were injured in Monday's explosion but it was not immediately clear how, or whether they were exposed to radiation. They were all conscious, said the agency's Ryohei Shomi.
The reactor's inner containment vessel holding nuclear rods was intact, Edano said, allaying some fears of the risk to the environment and public. TV footage of the building housing the reactor appeared to show similar damage to Monday's blast, with outer walls shorn off, leaving only a skeletal frame.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said radiation levels at plant were 10.65 microsieverts Monday afternoon, significantly under the 500 microsieverts at which a nuclear operator is legally bound to file a report to the government.
But Pentagon officials reported Sunday that helicopters flying 60 miles from the plant picked up small amounts of radioactive particulates — still being analyzed, but presumed to include cesium-137 and iodine-121 — suggesting widening environmental contamination,
A massive column of smoke was seen belching from the Fukushima Daiichi plant's No. 3 unit Monday. Four nuclear plants in northeastern Japan have reported damage. |
Operators have been dumping seawater into units 1 and 3 in a last-ditch measure to cool the reactors. They were getting water into the other four reactors with cooling problems without resorting to corrosive sea water, which likely makes the reactors unusable.
A meltdown at the No. 3 reactor could be more serious than at the other reactors because it is fueled by both plutonium and uranium, BBC News reported. The others have only uranium fuel.
Earlier, Edano said radioactivity released into the environment so far was so
small it didn't pose any health threats.
Such statements, though, did little to ease public worries. In a country where memories of a nuclear horror of a different sort during the last days of World War II weigh on the national psyche and national politics, the impact of continued venting of long-lasting radioactivity from the plants is hard to overstate, the New York Times reported.
"First I was worried about the quake," said Kenji Koshiba, a construction worker who lives near the plant. "Now I'm worried about radiation." He spoke at an emergency center in Koriyama, about 40 miles (60 kilometers) from the most troubled reactors and 125 miles (190 kilometers) north of Tokyo.
At the makeshift center set up in a gym, a steady flow of people — mostly the elderly, schoolchildren and families with babies — were met by officials wearing helmets, surgical masks and goggles.
About 1,500 people had been scanned for radiation exposure, officials said.
Up to 160 people, including 60 elderly patients and medical staff who had been waiting for evacuation in the nearby town of Futabe, and 100 others evacuating by bus, might have been exposed to radiation, said Ryo Miyake, a spokesman from Japan's nuclear agency. It was unclear whether any cases of exposure had reached dangerous levels.
A foreign ministry official briefing reporters said radiation levels outside the Daiichi plant briefly rose above legal limits, but had since declined significantly.
Edano said none of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors was near the point of complete meltdown, and he was confident of escaping the worst scenarios.
Officials, though, have declared states of emergency at the six reactors where cooling systems were down — three at Daiichi and three at the nearby Fukushima Daini complex
The U.N. nuclear agency said a state of emergency was also declared Sunday at another complex, the Onagawa power plant, after higher-than-permitted levels of radiation were measured there. But radiation levels at that plant returned to normal later Sunday.
A pump for the cooling
system at yet another nuclear complex, the Tokai Daini plant, also failed after Friday's quake but a second pump operated normally as did the reactor, said the utility, the Japan Atomic Power Co. It did not explain why it did not announce the incident until Sunday.
Edano denied there had been a meltdown in the Fukushima Daiichi complex, but other officials said the situation was not so clear.
Hidehiko Nishiyama, a senior official of the Economy, Trade and Industry
Ministry, indicated the reactor core in Unit 3 had melted partially, telling a news conference, "I don't think the fuel rods themselves have been spared damage," according to the Kyodo News agency.
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